Rico Palm Premium Palm Oil

Pure and Natural Oil Delivered Quickly, gauranteed.

Asia's Richest Quality Palm Oil

The absolute finest quality palm oil suitable for any product.

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Meet the company RicoPalm

We farm the best quality palm fruits from all over Malaysia in order to bring you the highest quality available at the lowest possible prices. Additionally, you can rest assured your order will be packaged quickly and delivered at the soonest available time as our staff watches the packing and delivery places as ordered.

Our palm oil is purest quality available and usable for countless products used worldwide. From sweets, spreads, and frozen food, to perfumes and cosmetics, our palm oil can be used for an almost limitless variety of products or just simple for cooking.

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Palm Oil Products

How you can use our oil

For Cooking Oil

Palm oil is used to produce some of the best and most versatile cooking oil, especially in Asia. Palm oil is used to cook a variety of dishes. Restaurants from Chinese to Malay use palm oil on a daily basis for some of their most delicious and famous dishes.

For Margarine

Palm oil is not limited to liquid form; palm oil is also a primary and common ingredient in Margarine. Margarine is a primary stable for many baked goods or uses for topics for crackers for croisants. Margarine also makes cooking much more convenient and affordable.

For Chocolate

Rico Palm oil is also great for Chocolate. When it comes to tasty snacks that everyone loves, we can't forget about Chocolate! Consumed in nearly every country in the world, chocolate has become a globally loved sweet with a flavor that depends heavily on its quality of oil. Using Rico Palm oil in your chocolate will enhance its flavor to the utmost quality.

For Baked Goods

Baked goods, like cookies, are another highly consumed example of the palm oil's usefulness. Palm takes presence is some of the most common pastries in any bakery. A high quality palm oil like Rico Palm can enhance of the flavor of brownies, cakes, cookies, croisants, and more.

For Chips

Crispy, delicious chips are often made from premium quality palm oil like provided by Rico Palm. Using the proper palm oil will give your chips that classic crunch and delicious natural flavor.

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